
Fun For Less Tours Inc. is a vacation destination travel club. The owners are the Tyndall family. From 1993 through to 2000, the parents with their children, toured and explored almost 100 countries on their own. In the fall of 2000 the Tyndall family formed Fun For Less Travel. The children are now adults, all have college degrees in business and all have an understanding of the world of travel that few travel agencies can offer. We have grown every year, including 2009 after the stock market crashed. You have to ask yourself, why did they grow in 2009 when every other travel agency in 2009 was off 25% to 50% or more. It is because of the loyalty of our passengers and quality of our product. We are a strong stable family business that really delivers “The Best For Less”

If you talk with anyone that has traveled with Fun For Less Tours, they will attest to the quality and value of traveling with us. The secret to our success is simple “We do not use consolidators like other travel agencies”.

  • We do not call a consolidator in New York and ask them to make arrangements for hotels, buses and guides in another country. We work directly with each hotel, guide or bus company. This cuts out the middle man and we pass the savings to you. We even offer shore excursions, on all of our cruises, at a fraction of what the cruise line charges.
  • We design our own tours from experience, stay in the best hotels, hire the best guides and send Fun For Less Tour Staff from our office with every cruise or tour!
  • We treat everyone like family. If you talked to our guide Anong in Thailand or Diederik in Africa or Joseph in Israel or Svetlana in Russia – they would all say the same thing – they are part of the Fun For Less Tours Family. You earn loyalty, you do not buy loyalty. With Fun For Less Tours you can count on having the best guides and drivers throughout the world.
  • Our staff is experienced: There is always someone you can talk to that has been on the tour or cruise you have questions about.

If you are not already part of our family, we hope you will join us and find out how wonderful traveling can be with the Fun For Less Tours Family!

Family Owners

Jim Tyndall
Carol Tyndall
Jamie Tyndall
Brandon Tyndall
Spencer Tyndall
Lindsay Tyndall

Our Fun For Less Family

Anita Towner Tour Manager & PR
Barbara Nelson TM & Customer Service
Britt Tyndall Customer Service
Brittany Russell Booking & Reservations
Brittany Pardon Tour Manager & Sales
Eric Towner Tour Manager & Sales
Jeff Lawson Tour Manager & Sales
John Canaan Tour Manager & Insurance
Joshua Soucy TM, Marketing & Graphic Design
Julie Taylor Tour Manager & Sales
Karen Leister Tour Manager & Reservations
Narelle Canaan Tour Manager & Sales
Paula Holmes Booking & Billing
Sandy White Tour Manager & Insurance
Sue Sciammarella TM & Customer Service